Congregational Leader: R' Richard Pustelniak
Shalom! Welcome to the web site of Beit Avanim Chaiot
(House of Living Stones, see 1 Pet. 2:4,5). We are a small
mishpachah (family) of believers in Y'Shua HaMashiach
(Y'Shua the Messiah), that worship and serve the G-d of Israel, while resting
our trust in His provision of atonement, through Messiah.
Our congregation is open to Jewish and non-Jewish believers, with equal
regard for both. Our lifestyle and worship format are are distinctly Jewish,
by choice (essentially 'Conservadox,' drawing on the best of both
Orthodox and Conservative traditions). We honor the Torah, the Prophets, and
the Sacred Writings found in Tanach (Hebrew Bible: Genesis - Malachi),
as well as the teaching by and about Y'Shua, our Redeemer, found in the
B'rit HaChadashah (New Covenant: Matthew - Revelation). Although our
worship style is distinctly Jewish, no prior knowledge of Jewish tradition is
required to begin to participate and have full fellowship. We all
learn as we go and visitors are always welcome.
Form and Policy
Beit Avanim Chaiot is Messianic Jewish in form and nondenominational in
affiliation. We seek to emphasize the spiritual unity of all true believers.
It is our policy to give preeminence to the proclaiming of the Good News of the
Messiah, to the study of the Word of G-d, and to exalt the
L-rd Y'Shua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah).
Statement of Faith
In order to identify the congregation as conservative in theology, and
evangelical in spirit, we set forth this general statement of fundamental
- We Believe the Bible to be written by divinely inspired men, that
it is the only infallible, authoritative Word of G-d,
inerrant in the original manuscripts, and that it has supreme authority
in all matters of faith and conduct.
- We Believe there is one G-d, manifesting
Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We Believe in G-d the Father, perfect in holiness,
infinite in wisdom, measureless in power. We rejoice that He concerns
Himself mercifully in the affairs of men, that He hears and answers
prayer, and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through
Y'Shua the Messiah.
- We Believe in the deity of our L-rd Y'Shua the
Messiah, the only begotten of the Father, in His virgin birth, in His
sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through
His shed blood, and His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the
right hand of the Father, in His perpetual intercession for His people,
and in His personal, visible, pre-millennial and imminent return to the
world in power and great glory, according to His promise, and with His
return the resurrection of the dead in Messiah.
- We Believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit who
came forth from G-d to convict the world of sin, of
righteousness, and of judgement, and to regenerate, sanctify, and
comfort those who put their trust in Y'Shua the Messiah. We believe that
the Holy Spirit indwells and supernaturally bestows gifts upon the
believer the moment he receives Y'Shua the Messiah as L-rd
and Savior. We affirm that the believer is commanded by G-d
to be 'filled with the Spirit' (fully and completely submitted
to Him) and that the believer will show spiritual fruit as evidence of
such a Spirit-filled life.
- We Believe that all men, by nature and by choice, are sinners,
but that "G-d so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son that whosoever puts his trust in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life;" and we believe, therefore, that those who
repent and receive Y'Shua the Messiah as L-rd and Savior will rejoice
eternally in the presence of G-d and those who refuse to
receive Y'Shua will be eternally separated from
- We Believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly by grace,
through faith, not dependent upon deeds, that it is a gift of
G-d, however, we affirm that true salvation will be
evidenced and expressed by corresponding deeds.
- We Believe that, just as in Bible days, the Holy Spirit can come
upon (or fill) any believer, or group of believers, at any time, to
provide a special enablement for a particular purpose. We believe that
this experience may occur many times in the life of a believer and is
completely at the discretion of our sovereign G-d.
- We Believe that every believer is called into his own ministry by
Messiah for the benefit of the local body and for the building and
instruction of Messiah's Body, as a whole.
- We Believe that divine healing is the power of Messiah to heal
the sick in answer to the prayer of faith, as subject to the sovereign
will of G-d (as are all of His other miraculous
- We Believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our
L-rd Y'Shua the Messiah.
- We Believe in Messianic Mikveh (baptism) by immersion and that
it is an outward sign of an inward work.
- We Believe in the commemoration and proclamation of the
L-rd's sacrifice for us, by participation in a ceremonial
dinner, consisting in the eating of unleavened bread and the drinking of
the fruit of the vine. We believe these ceremonial foods symbolize the
broken body and shed blood of Y'Shua the Messiah.
We believe in the independence of the local congregation with full freedom of
deliberation, decision, and deportment under G-d without
restriction, supervision or domination from any outside individual,
organization, or institution. We are a completely autonomous and self-governing
congregation and will not affiliate with any organization which seeks to
exercise control over the local congregation. However, we do very much desire
the fellowship of all evangelical/scriptural congregations and Messiah
centered groups and will cooperate with them to promote the cause of Y'Shua the
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Chaiot, Inc., a Messianic Jewish Congregation. All Rights Reserved