In keeping with our rich Jewish heritage, it is our joy to provide a
full-spectrum community experience. Key lifecycle events are described below.
B'rit Milah and Bat Simcha
These services are celebrations of new life. Our newborn children are given
their names and are joyfully received into the covenant relationship we have
with the Holy One, blessed be He, which began with our father Abraham. We, as
parents, faithfully promise to dedicate ourselves to raising these new additions
to our families with love, instructing them, by way of study and by example, to
draw near to the Holy One, by trust and obedient service to Him. Due to limited
resources and since the community is intimately woven into the lives spoken of
by these services, b'rit milah and bat simchah services are only offered to
congregation members and regular attendees.
Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
These services mark the time when our children are no longer children and have
become young adults, taking their places in the Jewish community. The services,
themselves, are the culmination of several months of personal instruction and
encouragement, by the rabbi and each young person. More than simple instruction
in Torah reading, from the Torah Scroll, our young people are taught many
concepts and principles that will prepare and enable them to navigate the path
of life that lies ahead for them, while reinforcing their relationships with
parents and teachers. Due to limited resources and since the community is
intimately woven into the lives spoken of by these services, bar and bat mitzvah
services are only offered to congregation members and regular
Messianic Tevilah
Tevilah (ceremonial immersion) provides the ability to mark critical transitions
in our lives. We offer several kinds of tevilah: immersion to mark conversion to
faith in Messiah Y'Shua, immersion for repentance, immersion of rededication,
immersion for taking a Hebrew name, etc. Please feel free to consult our
teaching on tevilah, Messiah 101 - Doctrine
of Ceremonial Immersions, for more information. If we can serve you in this
area, you may contact R' Rich at
rabbi@bac2torah.com, or by phone at (520)327-0344.
We offer full-featured Messianic/Jewish wedding ceremonies, limited only by
the creativity of our staff and the couple to be wed, and proper decorum.
Consultation for the design of the service, and the drafting of the ketubah
(written form of the covenant terms, or vows), is provided.
A minimum of six weeks of meetings with the rabbi for pre-marital counselling
and other service design and preparation is required.Due to limited resources
and and the rabbi's self-imposed requirement of 'knowing' the prospective couple
well, except for simple design consultation, wedding related services are only
offered to congregation members and regular attendees.
Jewish Feast and Fast Day Observances
It is a pleasure and privilege to learn about the Holy One, blessed be He, and
the Messiah, through observing the feasts, and festivals
which we have observed
for thousands of years. Being Messianic, our holy days are enhanced by our
knowledge of, and relationship with, Messiah Y'Shua. In keeping with our open
service policy, as space allows, our holy day services and gatherings are open
to all, both Jewish and non-Jewish individuals and families are welcome. Feel
free to contact R' Rich at
rabbi@bac2torah.com, or by phone at (520)327-0344.
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