There is no better way to draw near to the Holy One, blessed be He, than to
serve Him, by serving those created in His image. We have listed here several of
our primary areas of service. This list is not exhaustive and is growing as time
goes on.
Shaliachim - Our Emissaries
We are pleased and blessed to participate in the ministries of several
shaliachim (emissaries, or 'sent ones), as they serve the Holy One in foreign
and domestic fields. Select the following link to learn more about them:
Our Shaliachim.
Guest Speaking and Seminars
We have discovered that a restoration of the Jewish roots of the faith goes a
long way toward taking down the barriers that
separate the various denominations
of believers today. Therefore, sharing those roots is one of our primary
charters. The rabbi is available to speak in
your congregation or to teach a special class on a variety of topics. A
favorite series teaches how to share the Good News of Messiah from a Jewish
perspective (Messiah 101). Feel free
to contact the rabbi if he can serve you in
this way.
The rebbetzin (rabbi's wife)
is available to speak and
teach women's classes and organizations. The topics she has taught
include: "How to Run a Jewish Household," "Being a Jewish
Woman in the Modern World," "Jewish Holidays, Their Meaning and
Practice," etc. The rebbetzin would
greatly enjoy an opportunity to speak at your gathering.
We also have several other individuals available to speak and teach on various
subjects, for example, Messianic worship in dance, Passover Seders for children,
etc. Contact us if we can serve you in any way.
Etz Chayim - Radio Program
The Etz Chayim (Tree of Life) radio show is a three-minute, drivetime program,
and has been on the air since 1995. The program teaches yiddishkeit (Jewish
perspective and thinking) and spiritual survival skills. You can hear the
show at 8:00am each weekday, on KGMS (940 AM), in Tucson.
Petach Libi - Radio Program
The Petach Libi (Open My Heart) radio show is a fifteen-minute, program,
and has been on the air since 2002. The program provides detailed exposition of
Holy Scripture while restoring the Hebraic persective. You can hear the
show at 2:00pm each weekday, on KGMS (940 AM), in Tucson.
Sisterhood - Congregational Women's Group
Our sisterhood is more than just an organization of the women of the
congregation. It is a vital ministry, serving the Holy One by performing
bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) in nursing and assisted care homes, as well as
speaking and teaching at meetings of other women's organizations. They gather
weekly to study the weekly Torah portion and to put their combined creativity
into action through various Jewish traditional crafts.
In addition to all the
things they do for our congregation, they also provide a
convenient source for
the ritual items and other Jewish items, by running a Judaica shop. The proceeds
of the Judaica shop goes toward supplying the Judaica needs by the
congregation itself(Torah silver, ark, shofar, etc.).
Please feel free to contact the rebbetzin
or the Judaica shop if they can help you in
any way.
Shabbat School
On Shabbat, during the reading of the Torah, the children have their own Torah
service. We do the same blessings as the adult service, and have our own Sefer
Torah (Torah Scroll) that the children love to take turns dressing and reading.
We teach the weekly parsha (Torah Portion) at a level the children can
understand, incorporating hands-on experiences to bring the Torah to life. Our
hope is that each child will come to know and love the Torah and the Messiah
in a life-changing way.
Biblical Hebrew Classes
Provided each Shabbat, after the Kiddush and Oneg Shabbat. Learn how to read and
understand/translate Biblical Hebrew, as well as how to read the Torah Scroll
(with trope or cantillation). Cost: Materials only.
Challah 101
In this class we teach the participants not only to make a wonderful, kosher,
twelve strand, braided challah, but also how to make preparations for the
Shabbat evening meal and the importance of this weekly holiday. The participants
leave the class with an un-baked loaf, which they are then able to bake at home
for their own Shabbat dinner. Contact the
rebbetzin to request a class for yourself or your group.
Messianic Dance Instruction
Throughout our history, we have expressed our love and worship of the Holy One,
blessed be He, through dance and
song. Most of our worship and traditional
songs have a special dance designed for it. We are available to teach you or
your organization how to enhance the worship experience through dance. Feel free
to contact us if we can help you in this way.
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