We humbly submit the following teachings for your edification and
instruction. We pray that they will find personal application in your own
life. The principles contained in them are powerful when applied to daily
living and are excellent for use in small group studies. Keep your eyes on
this page, as there are many studies currently being formatted for
presentation here.
Messiah 101
In this study, we provide a systematic examination of the foundational
principles of faith in the Messiah King, drawing from the Hebrew Scriptures
and Jewish sages as primary sources. The information is clearly presented so
that Jew and non-Jew alike will be able completely grasp the concepts and
truths presented, thus providing for informed decisions concerning Him and
His part in the lives of men and women.
(Nov. 20, 2000)
Messiah 201
We have been taught, and it is true, that, when Messiah laid down on that
wood, and yielded up His life, suspended between Heaven and Earth, He
"fulfilled" all of the offerings in the temple. In other words, the
temple offerings "pre-figured" the offering made, on our behalf, by
our Messiah King. Discover that, as prescribed, the temple offerings are
effectively, "The Gospel According to Moses."
(Jan. 2, 2001)
Developing an Effective Testimony
Like other forms of public speaking, this task can be very intimidating.
Discover the cause for the discomfort, how to overcome it, and what an
effective, conclusive testimony looks and sounds like. Learn how to prepare
your personal testimony, so you will have it ready when presented with the
opportunity to share it.
(Aug. 18, 2017)
Take Not the Name in Vain
Most of us have been taught that to take the "Name of
G-d" in vain is to use it as a curse word. Discover, as we
have, that G-d, Himself, has a lot more to say on the subject.
And, surprisingly, it has more to do with those of us in the household of
faith than it does with those without.
(Dec. 30, 1996)
"How Shall I Know?"
The blood covenant is a G-d given ceremony, given to provide
unbreakable connections between individuals, families, tribes, nations, and
most importantly, between man and G_d. Discover the meaning behind many of
the enigmatic passages of Holy Scripture, and discover how we can
know, for a certainty, that G-d's promises are
trustworthy. (Jan. 2, 1997)
"What are you doing here
In the book of First Kings, we find the account of an encounter between
Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) and HaShem (meaning,
"The {Holy} Name"), the Holy One of Israel. Twice in this
encounter, HaShem asks the Prophet "What are you doing
here, Eliyahu?" We offer this detailed study of this
highly charged time in Eliyahu's life while, at the same time,
asking some challenging questions of ourselves.
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