Thank you for visiting bac2torah.com. We have provided links to key feedback
and ministry representatives below.
Contact the Rabbi
R' Rich is available for seminars and other teaching opportunities. For
example, the Messiah 101,
"Foundational Truths of Messiah," series is designed to be
presented in eight, two-hour, sessions, or as a weekend seminar. R' Rich is
also available, on a limited basis, for consultation or counselling. If you
have a need that he can help you with, please feel free to contact him by
email at rabbi@bac2torah.com, or
by phone at (520)327-0344.
Contact the Rebbetzin
R' Rich's wife, Heidi, is available to help with information on the
congregation and its services or scheduling appointments with the Rabbi. She
is also available to teach classes oriented to Messianic Jewish women and
running a Jewish household. For example, her "Challah 101" class is
quite popular, which provides instruction for making (and braiding) kosher
challah (from scratch) and setting the tone for Shabbat in the home. You can
contact her by email at
rebbetzin@bac2torah.com, or by phone at (520)327-0344.
Contact the Sisterhood Judaica Shop
The sisterhood (women's organization) of Beit Avanim Chaiot runs a small
Judaica shop to provide for the various related
needs of the congregation
members and associates. Among the items normally stocked or easily ordered
are: mezuzot, tallits, seder plates and sets, Shabbat candles and lamps,
Messianic and traditional Jewish music, tzitzit (including kosher techelet),
Hebrew language resources, Holy Scriptures (Tanach, Chumash, B'rit
Chadashah), etc. You can contact the Judaica shop by email at
judaicaShop@bac2torah.com, or
by phone at (520)327-0344.
Web Site Feedback
If you would like to provide any feedback on this web site, or to report any
problems or broken links, please feel free to contact the webmaster by email
at webmaster@bac2torah.com, or
call us at (520)327-0344.
Mailing Address
You can contact us by mail, by writing to the congregational office at:
Beit Avanim Chaiot, Inc.
PO Box 40202
Tucson, Arizona
Synagogue Location
Please feel free to visit us in person at our synagogue location:
Beit Avanim Chaiot, Inc.
3820 E. River Rd.
Tucson, Arizona 85718
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Chaiot, Inc., a Messianic Jewish Congregation. All Rights Reserved