We realize that our Shabbat services are quite long for the average
individual. They are designed to touch just about every area of our being.
Therefore, if we were to shorten them, we would need to drop some area of
ministry. So, if you have a limited amount of time to spend in Shabbat
services, we recommend that you fit your time allotment over our schedule,
wherever your needs will best be met. It is traditional to come and go as you
wish, and we believe you will find at least one of the service portions that
touches you where you need it. Our desire is that your spiritual needs be
met. Actually, most of us spend the entire Shabbat together. Feel free to
tailor your attendance according to your needs.
Welcoming the holy Shabbat
Evening serviceWhen requested by the congregation
- 7:00
- Gathering at the synagogue,
welcoming the Shabbat with traditional prayers, blessings, and
song, followed by sharing a feast together
Shabbat Shacharit and Musaf
Partaking in the Fruit of the Etz Chayim (Tree of Life)
Shabbat morning service
- 10:00
- T'fillahOpening section of traditional prayers and
- 10:30
- Torah ServiceReading of the traditional weekly sections
of Torah (1st Five Books) and Haftarah (Supplemental
reading from the prophets), followed by an accompanying reading
from the B'rit haChadashah (New or Messianic Covenant)
- 11:15
- T'fillahClosing section of traditional prayers and
- 12:30
- Beit MidrashRabbinic commentary and congregational discussion
of the readings with exhortation and personal application
- 1:30
- Kiddush and Oneg ShabbatThanking the Holy One, blessed be He,
for His provision, while sanctifying our table, followed by breaking
bread together to celebrate the covenant
Prayerfully Marking the End of the Holy Shabbat
Evening serviceWhen requested by the congregation
- 8:00
- Gathering in the homes of various members and friends, seeking to
retain the light of Shabbat into the coming work-week.
Contact us for location.
Weekly Torah Study
A regular look at Holy Scripture from a Hebraic perspective
Evening serviceWhen requested by the congregation
- 7:00
- Gathering at the synagogue, to
study through a specific book of Scripture.
Conversational Hebrew
Modern Israeli Hebrew, instructed by a native Israeli
Evening classWhen requested by six or more individuals
- 7:00
- Gathering at the synagogue, to
learn how to speak our beloved Hebrew. Our teacher is very patient
and willing to work privately with any student needing extra help.
The cost is $5 per person per session, or 10$ per family per
Messiah 101
Foundational principles of Messiah
Evening classWhen requested by two or more individuals
- 7:00
- Gathering at the synagogue, or
in the home of a requesting individual, for an eight-session series,
providing a detailed examination of the
Basics About Messiah.
Contact us to request a new series,
or for the location of one that may be in progress.
1 Since we share a meal
together during Kabbalat Shabbat, please contact
us in advance so we can be prepared for your attendance
2 Starting times of
Shabbat service portions are approximate
3 Starting times for
Havdallah services change with the seasons, summer schedule currently
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