I. Introduction
...although by this time you
ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the very first
principles of G-d's Word all over again! You need milk,
not solid food! Anyone who has to drink milk is still a baby, without
experience in applying the Word about righteousness. But solid food is
for the mature, for those whose faculties have been trained by
continuous exercise to distinguish good from evil. Therefore, leaving
behind the foundational principles of Messiah (reshit d'var
Mashiach), let us go on to maturity, not laying again the
foundation of repentance from deeds that lead to death (t'shuvah
mima'asei mavet), faith toward G-d (emunah
b'El_him), instruction about ceremonial immersions
(torat hat'vilot), of the laying on of hands (s'michat
yadayim), the resurrection of the dead (t'chiyyat chameitim),
and eternal judgment (hadin hannitz'chi). And, G-d
willing (im yirtseh HaShem), this is what we will do.
(Heb 5:12-6:3)
For various reasons in the history of the 'Body of Messiah,' great effort has
gone into distancing the 'church' from it's Jewish origins. As a result,
much of the understanding of the Holy Scriptures has been lost or blurred.
This is because, from cover to cover, the Scriptures are essentially Jewish
documents, written by (divinely inspired) Jewish men, brought forth from
within a Jewish cultural framework, and reflecting the Jewish mind set and
world view. This includes the B'rit Chadashah (New Covenant Scriptures), which
was written in Greek, the primary common/trade language in the civilized
world of the day. And, although it was written in Greek, it deeply reflects
the rich Jewish heritage of its authors, with its continuous usage of Jewish
constructs and logic, its reflections of the Jewish mind-set of the day, along
with its innumerable references and allusions to poetic Hebrew-isms and local
With the loss of the Jewish mind set in approaching the Scriptures, has come a
general eroding of the very foundations of the faith. There are great,
seemingly un-bridgeable divisions in the 'Universal Body,' stemming, in part,
from the loss of understanding of the 'Foundational Principles' (of Messiah)
which we will be discussing in this series. It is hoped, that, as the original
understandings of these principles are restored, and the foundation of the
'House' is fortified, divisions within the house can be done away with, and
its construction can proceed unimpeded.
Also, because these are 'Foundational Principles,' they should prove to be
very profitable for instructing both seekers, and new believers, as to the
mission and identity of Messiah, and the meaning of the basic ordinances of
the Messianic faith. To this end, our study will be rich with references to
the source-book of these principles, the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). We will also
be referencing the works of various Jewish sages, and commentators as well as
others. Understanding these "foundational" principles, as they are
presented, should also prove to be a great benefit for those who long to be
able to share their faith, but lack an adequate understanding of what they
believe, to be able to communicate it. Since they are, in fact,
"Foundational Principles of Messiah," they can easily be shared,
"to the Jew first," and to the non-Jew, as well.
II. Context
A. The Importance of Context
The context of a passage of scripture is extremely important in
its examination. It will often prove to be it's best interpreter. So
much has been lost because of the failure to remember this principle. The
words of Scripture should be allowed to speak from within its immediate
context, as it is written, as well as from within its cultural, ethnic, and
historical context.
There are many commonly accepted doctrines which have been derived by excising
and extracting small sections, lines, or even phrases of Scripture from their
contexts. Entire books have been written on these Scripture "Snippets,
" and, many divisions have formed in the Body, as well a aberrant
offshoots from the faith, as a result of either the acceptance or rejection of
these doctrines.
The following "Snippets" are examples of those which have generally
lost their original meanings due to their traditional isolation from their
original/intended context. The actual discussion of these passages shall be
left for other teachings.
Assuredly, I say to you,
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you
loose on earth will be loosed in heaven...
(Matt 18:18)
No one can enter a strong man's
house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man...
(Mk 3:27)
For where two or three are
gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them...
(Matt 18:20)
If any of you lacks wisdom, let
him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it
will be given to him... (Jas 1:5)
B. The Context of Our Study
...although by this time you
ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the very first
principles of G-d's Word all over again! You need milk, not
solid food! (Heb 5:12)
The passage we are examining is part of one of the more controversial ones in
the B'rit Chadashah, with a multitude of diverse interpretations (with respect
to: who is being addressed; what is the purpose of the passage; does this
passage touch on the concept of "eternal security;" etc. However,
allowing the Scripture to speak for itself, one can deduce that the passage is
intended to correct a specific problem. It is apparent that the author is
seriously dissatisfied with the level of development he observed in the group
being addressed. Given the amount of time that has passed since their
introduction to the subject(s) at hand, they should have been fully capable of
passing them on to others, but, in his opinion, they needed to start all over
again, from the beginning, with the basics.
As we shall see, the author wants to move on to more "meaty"
instruction, but the audience was not ready. Although the author appears to be
frustrated with the situation, we should be able to greatly benefit from the
time we will spend in the 'Basics' or the ABCs of the faith...
III. Of Milk and Foundations...
...You need milk, not solid
food! Anyone who has to drink milk is still a baby...
(Heb 5:12)
Milk is a foundational food, designed by the Holy One to get babies off
to a good start. It is easy to digest, and contains all the nutrients and
fluids the baby needs to develop, even at the very rapid growth rates that
babies (human or animal) exhibit. However, the goal of the nutrition provided
by milk is to bring the baby to the point where it doesn't need it anymore.
A person, just born into the world is a physical baby, in the same way, a
person just born into G-d's family is a spiritual baby. This can
be clearly seen from Scripture:
Y'Shua answered, "Most
assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he
cannot enter the kingdom of G-d. That which is born of the
flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not
marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'"
(Jn 3:5-7)
But as many as received Him, to
them He gave the right to become children of G-d, to those
who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will
of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of G-d.
(Jn 1:12,13)
Since you have purified your
souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the
brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been
born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word
of G-d which lives and abides forever...
(1Pet 1:22,23)
Just like physical babies, new Spiritual babies need nutrition which is easily
digested and assimilated. Such a one is unable to feed himself, nor determine
for himself what is good for him. He needs G-d's special infant
formula, which will strengthen him and enable him to eventually discern, for
himself, what is good and right and true.
Therefore, laying aside all
malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn
babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby, if
indeed you have tasted that the L-rd {is} gracious.
(1Pet 2:1-3)
It is natural for a baby to desire (crave) its milk. If a baby doesn't seem to
want its milk, this gives cause for alarm to the mother. In the same way, if a
Spiritual baby is not hungry, consideration should be given to why. Is he
sick? Has he eaten something which is not good for him? Has he been hanging on
to something he shouldn't? Is he getting the love and care he needs? Is he
even truly alive (been born)?
IV. Maturing Away from Milk
...Anyone who has to drink
milk is still a baby, without experience in applying the Word about
righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, for those whose
faculties have been trained by continuous exercise to distinguish good
from evil...(Heb 5:13,14)
While it is good for a baby to be a baby, it is not good for it to
remain a baby: fully dependent upon its care-givers, unable to discern
good from bad, unable to feed itself, unable to reproduce, etc. Babies are
irresistible: faces trying all possible expressions, arms and legs moving in
all directions at once, cooing and speaking gibberish, etc. But, for one who
should be an adult and mature to be found still doing these things is
deplorable and sad.
Anyone knows that the yetzer ha-ra (evil inclination or nature) is
fully functional at birth. No one has to teach a baby how to be selfish,
self-seeking, or demanding. As a matter of fact, it is a very good thing that
the baby is so helpless, because the rage that can be expressed when he
doesn't get his way could easily result in murder, without remorse. Again, no
one has to teach a child how to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive. Part of the
maturation process is learning how to master the yetzer ha-ra.
If you do well, will you not be
received? And if you do not do well, sin (the yetzer ha-ra)
crouches (like a lion in ambush) at the door. And its desire (to
dominate and control) {is} toward you, but you should master it.
(Gen 4:7, author's literal translation)
Never being fed, or refusing to receive and assimilate the milk of the Word,
can lead to a failure to mature. The un-mastered yetzer ha-ra can, and
will, hinder the maturing process, and with it, the ability to grasp the
deeper truths (solid food, meat) may be impeded.
And I, brethren, could not speak
to you as to spiritual {people} but as to carnal, as to babes in Messiah.
I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not
able {to receive it,} and even now you are still not able; for you are
still carnal. For where {there are} envy, strife, and divisions among
you, are you not carnal and behaving like {mere} men?
(1Cor 3:1-3)
Even when food (milk or solid) is actually consumed, if the nutrition
contained in it is not extracted and assimilated, it does not promote the
maturation process. Therefore, the baby remains a baby. The way that the
nutrition, if you will, contained in G-d's word is extracted and
assimilated is by putting into practice (doing) what is received and learned.
Then maturing process is simply a natural result. It cannot be speeded up by
force of will. It simply will occur at the rate intended by the creator, but
it will occur.
Therefore lay aside all
filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the
implanted (engrafted, fruit-bearing) word, which is able to save your
souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving
yourselves. (Jas 1:21,22)
I write to you, fathers, because
you have known Him {who is} from the beginning. I write to you, young
men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little
children, because you have known the Father. I have written to you,
fathers, because you have known Him {who is} from the beginning. I have
written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of
G-d abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.
(1Jn 2:13,14)
It is only the mature that are able to handle the storms and trials of daily
life, and who are able to pass that ability on to others (by teaching and
coming alongside to strengthen and aid).
Therefore whoever hears these
sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who
built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came,
and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it
was founded on the rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine,
and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his
house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the
winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.
(Matt 7:24-27)
Blessed {be} the
G-d and Father of our L-rd Y'Shua the
Messiah, the Father of mercies and G-d of all comfort
(strengthening), who comforts (strengthens) us in all our tribulation,
that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the
comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by G-d.
(2Cor 1:3,4)
It is by putting into consistent practice, that the surety of the foundation
is tested and expressed. Knowledge without practice reveals a true lack of
understanding and maturity.
In spite of the emphasis placed on rationality by halachah (Jewish
code of law), it is essential to grasp that the importance of
"doing" never lost its pristine place in Judaism. Judaism was
never turned into a rationale at the expense of being a living faith. On
the contrary, it ever upheld as its banner the declaration of the sages to
the effect that "he whose deeds exceed his wisdom, his wisdom shall
endure. But he whose wisdom exceeds his deeds, his wisdom will not
endure" (Aboth 3,12). Grounded in reality, Judaism never allowed
the Torah or its ideals to become so heavenly that they were no earthly
use. The stress and emphasis always lay on living in the manner compatible
with its ideals so that "heavenly days on earth" would be
possible. Doing is not merely a casual consequence of antecedent events. It
is an expression or vehicle of meaning conceptually tied to an underlying
pattern of thought or intention. Whether this pattern is fully comprehended
or not, the act of doing both presupposes and actualizes the background
V. Foundation Not Refuse
...Therefore, leaving behind
the foundational principles of Messiah (reshit d'var Mashiach),
let us go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation...
(Heb 6:1a)
Most modern "Christian" interpretation of the passage of Scripture
we are examining says that the author is intending to provoke the recipients
of the letter to lay aside the Old Testament (Jewish) shadows of New Testament
fulfillment. As we have stated before, the context of a passage of Scripture
is generally the best interpreter of the passage. Careful examination and
acceptance of the context, will easily lead one to the impression that what
the author is expressing is the need for full understanding of the
foundational truths before one can progress into deeper, more meaty
The truth is that unless the foundational truths listed here are grasped,
whether by direct instruction, inference by other Scriptures, or just plain
spiritual instinct, one simply cannot understand the mission and purpose of
the Messiah, or how to correctly determine and recognize His identity.
Then He said to them, "O
foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets
have spoken! Ought not the Messiah to have suffered these things and
to enter into His glory?" And beginning at Moses and all the
Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things
concerning Himself. (Lk 24:25-27)
The list of truths which we are about to examine, in some detail, is not a
list of Jewish religious practices which are to be superseded by
"Christian" philosophy and faith-oriented thinking. Rather they are
essential, foundational truths to be learned, understood, retained, and built
upon as a sure foundation.
Therefore thus says the
L-rd G-d: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stone
for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure
foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily".
(Isa 28:16)
1 All Scripture references
are from the New King James version, unless otherwise
2 Abraham Hirsh
Rabinowitz, The Study of Talmud: Understanding the Halachic
Mind (Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, 1996),
pp. 39,40
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