It would have been interesting to have met Eliyahu on his way from Mount
Horeb and ask him, "Where have you been, Eliyahu?" It is likely his
reply would have been, "I was afraid, so I ran to HaShem, on His Holy
Mountain. But I am not afraid anymore." It would also be enlightening if
the Holy One were to ask us, when we enter His presence, "What are you
doing here, child?"
What are we doing here? Do we honestly answer His question with the real
feelings in our heart, or do we echo the lies the enemy has fed us? Or do we
respond with what we think He wants to hear?
- What are you doing here, my child?
- Abba, I'm afraid.
- What are you doing here, my child?
- Abba, I just wanted to sit here at Your feet, and be with You a
- What are you doing here, my child?
- Abba, I'm hungry, and I've come here to be fed.
- What are you doing here, my child?
- Abba, hold me. Please. I need Your touch.
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