II. Terms
A. Brother/Friend
- "Blood is thicker than water."
- This phrase has completely lost its original, covenant-related,
meaning. Today, it is interpreted as meaning that blood-related
family members are to be considered as more important than anyone else.
However, the original meaning is, "The blood of the covenant is
thicker than the water of the womb," or, "My relationship
with those to whom I am joined in covenant is to be considered
of more value than the relationship with a brother with whom I may have
shared the womb."
- "...there is a friend that sticks closer than a
brother." (Prov18:24)
- The term friend has also lost its original meaning. More than an
acquaintance, or one that I have some amount of affection for, it is
actually a term to be used to refer to one with whom I am joined, in
B. General Terms
Excluding chesed, all of the following terms can somehow be connected
with terminology in ancient near eastern treaties:
- B'rit (Hebrew) or Diathêke (Greek)
- Translated testament or covenant
- Karât B'rit (Hebrew)
- Literally, to cut a covenant
- Chesed (Hebrew)
- Covenant love or solidarity
- Shalom (Hebrew)
- Peace or prosperity
- Yeidah (Hebrew)
- To serve faithfully in accordance with covenant terms
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